Doing Amazon Affiliate Marketing On Medium: Some Learnings And How To Do It The Better way?
Is it follow Medium rules to do amazon Affiliate marketing on Medium?
There are two ways through which you can make money writing on Medium. One is through the Medium Partner program, in this article; How to make money writing on Medium in 2021? I have explained every ins and outs of making money through the Medium partner program. The second way to make money writing on Medium is through Affiliate marketing. Medium is a powerful platform with Good SEO that could help you get ranked on search engines. There are a lot of case studies where writers made over $1000 just adding an affiliate link to one of their articles.
I love Medium. This is probably one of *The* best platforms for writing online and making money but if you come to Medium just with the intention of doing affiliate marketing then things might don’t add up for you. Write on Medium with the intention of educating the reader and making the Internet a better place for everyone. The point here is; Don’t just write for the sake of money.
Is Affiliate marketing works on Medium?
Yes, there are some cases written by people on Medium about affiliate marketing. Case study 1: An Author wrote…