How To Make Money From Newsletters: 5 Ways To Monetize

The newsletter is the new buzzword. You can make money creating a newsletter on Substack, Medium, Ghost, Revue, or other newsletter creating platforms.

Aamir Kamal 🚀
6 min readMar 9, 2021
Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

Creating a newsletter and writing about the topic of your interest could help you make a lot of money. Make money writing is hard but if you are consistent, good things will happen. I started a newsletter on Substack and try to monetize it in different ways; I have shared my learnings in this article. One thing I learned is that running a newsletter is hard; it takes time and effort to make it a success. But, if you choose to publish weekly articles, it is easy to manage and run a newsletter.

There is a free platform like Substack where you could start a newsletter for free and another where you have to pay a yearly fee in order to create a newsletter. If money is the problem, choose Substack or any other free newsletter creating platforms, in the long-term, a platform like Ghost that charges a yearly fee is good and profitable for you.

Pros and Cons of running a newsletter:

After a year of running a newsletter, I have learned some of the pros and cons of having a newsletter.

