How Using The Pareto Principle Made Me More Productive?

It is just about time that you could be more productive by learning about this principle.

Aamir Kamal 🚀
2 min readDec 5, 2020

Productivity is always a pain in the ass. If you asked someone in silicon valley about their biggest problem right now, the answer would be “Productivity” and dealing with “Procrastination” you might know about these topics more if you ever search for anything related to productivity.

What is the Pareto principle? explain to me like I am 5-years old? Pareto principle is a principle which states that 80% of the output is because of 20% of the Input.

Some examples included;

  • 80% of your earnings are from 20% of the sources.
  • 80% of your problems are because of 20% of the sources.
  • 80% of your time is wasted in 20% of the places or platforms.
  • And so on…

While writing on my blog I discovered that 80% of my traffic is because 20% of the articles. I leave the other 80% of articles and start updating my 20% of the articles. Doing so increased my blog traffic to over 200% and this helped me make more money.

You could use the Pareto principle in every wake of life, one simple guide is to use it in increasing your…

